Public Contest On consultancy services for preparation of the draft document on operational procedures for number portability for subscribers of public electronic communications services in Republic of Kosovo based on Special Agreement Contract
read moreHonorable Colleagues,
On behalf of the Regulatory Authority of Electronic and Postal Communications (ARKEP), as a National Institution responsible for regulating the electronic communications market in the Republic of Kosovo, including the scarce resources (numbering and frequencies), I have the honor and privilege through this...
Based on public notification announced by the Regulatory Authority of Electronic and Postal Communications for presenting the Expression of Interest published in the electronic and written medias, on November 18th, 2013 for allocation of frequency bands 3400 3800 MHz for Broadband Wireless Services (BWA), with deadline being set for;...
read moreThe Regulatory Authority for Electronic and Postal Communications (hereinafter; Authority) based on the Law on Electronic Communications No. 04/L-109, the conclusions of the Public...
read moreBased on the provisions and procedures of the Law on Telecommunications and the decision of the Kosovos Government for adoption of countrys call sign Z6 (Ref. Decision...
read moreTelecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) with the aim of: implementing the provisions of the Telecommunications Law Nr. 2002/7, changed with the Law Nr. 03/L-085 for the promotion, creation of equal conditions and a favorable environment for a proper competition for all providers of internet services
read moreTelecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) under the legal mandate and objective to establish the legality in the telecommunications market of the Republic of Kosovo, on 24 September, 2010 has authorized the second Phase of implementation of the operation against illegal operators,
read moreTelecommunications Regulatory Authority on April 23 and 24, 2010 has successfully developed the operation in terms of eliminating illegal antennas of mobile telephony operators
read moreThe Third Forum of the European Commission project on Observatory for monitoring of electronic communications and information society services in the Enlargement countries this year held on February 4 and 5, 2010 was hosted by the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services of Montenegro.
read moreStarting from today, 7th of November 2006, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority its re-starting its block & seal operation against antennae of illegal operators in Kosovo.
read moreRepresentatives of Deutche-Telecom and Matav Telecom, on the 8th of November 2006, visited Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, were they met TRA Chairman Mr. Anton Berisha with his associates
read moreTelecommunications Regulatory Authority with the assistance from KPS and municipal authorities, on Tuesday 07.11.2006, started block&seal operation on illegal telecommunications infrastructure in Kosovo.
read moreToday, on the 8th of December 2006, at 11:00 am, a Public Consultation on Kosovo National Numbering Plan will be held in the premises of Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA).
read moreToday (17th of January) at 3:30 p.m, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) is organizing a press conference where information regarding the companies who applied for the tender of second GSM will be provided.
read moreOn the 22nd of January 2007, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority adopted the Decision on the composition of the Commission for Offer Evaluation, as part of the process for the selection of the second GSM operator in Kosovo.
read moreTelecommunications Regulatory Authority announces that the Committee for Evaluating the Offers for the second GSM in Kosovo, composed of UNMIK, Government and TRA representatives, carried out the initial consideration of the offers, on the 24th January 2007.
read moreThe delegation from the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority lead by Mr. Anton Berisha, have been invited to participate at the 3rd SEE Observatory Forum, on the observation of electronic communication services in South Eastern Europe, starting on 24th January 2007 until 27th January 2007.
read moreTelecommunications Regulatory Authority, on the 6th of February announced the winning bid for the second GSM tender in Kosovo.
read moreToday, date 21st February 2007, the Chairman of TRA Board, Mr. Anton Berisha met 6 representatives of Telekom Slovenija and Ipkonet.In this meeting, they discussed about the obligations that should be fulfilled by the consortium.
read moreOn 22nd February 2007, the Consortium Ipkonet Telekom Slovenije/Mobitel has paid 75, 000,000.00 (seventy five million euros) into Telecommunications Regulatory Authoritys account dedicated to the Kosovo Consolidated Budget
read moreOn 2nd May 2007, in the meeting between TRA experts and the representative of the European Commission, Cindy Van Den Boogert, was discussed about ongoing developments and future projects planned by TRA for year 2007.
read moreOrganized by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the meeting of infrastructure group within the observatory work of the Stabilization Association was held on the 3rd May 2007.
read morePursuant to the Law on Telecommunications and on the Regulation on the National Numbering Plan, TRA has allocated blocks of numbers to IPKONet, which had been previously licenced for offering national fixed services.
read moreAt its regular meeting dated 6th June 2007, the Commission for Authorizations/ Licensing and Monitoring (CALM) within TRA, decided to grant licenses for Value Added Services to two companies, Call Center Kosova and Kristal Services.
read moreOn 11th June 2007, as a part of completion of the Regulatory Framework and the implementation of the Law on Telecommunications, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) approved the Regulation on the Procedures of Dispute Resolution, which defines the procedures of dispute resolution among participants in telecom activities.
read moreOn 11th June 2007, after the process of public consultations, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) approved the Regulation on Spectrum Tariffing, the purpose of which is to define the tariffs for the spectrum usage in the territory of Kosovo.
read moreOrganized by the European Commission, the Fourth Forum of Telecommunications Services for SEE countries is being held in Istanbul, Turkey, where Kosovo is being represented by the TRA Chairman, Anton Berisha.
read moreTaking into consideration the Telecommunications Sector Policy document which is approved by the Government of Kosovo and the necessity of sharing the resources with companies interested to provide mobile services in Kosovo, the TRAs Commission for Authorizations/Licensing and Monitoring has approved in principle the Mobile...
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Yesterdays on the 28 February 2008, the Conference on Monitoring regulatory and market developments for electronic communications and information society services in Enlargement countries" organized by European Commission was held in Brussels, where TRA was represented by its Chairman of the Board Anton Berisha.
On 11-12 September 2008, the European Commission and Cullen International hosted the regular forum on studying and monitoring of the telecoms sector in SEE Countries. Besides countries included in the report, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia were participants at the forum.
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Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) notifies all telecommunications services operators on the commencement of annual tariff reduction from 1% to 0.3% of gross turnover from licensed activities.
Chairman of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authoritys Board, Mr. Anton K. Berisha is attending the two day conference on Recent Telecom Developments in Washington D.C, United States of America.
read moreThe Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) announces all telecommunications services providers that the number tariffing started from 01 January 2009.
read moreHead of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, Mr. Anton Berisha met a delegation from the European Commission led by Ms. Cindy Van den Boogert, Administrator for International Affairs within the Directorate for Information Society and Media
read moreThe 2nd European Commissions Forum within the project on monitoring electronic communications and information society services in the Enlargement Countries is being held in Ohrid, Macedonia, where the Republic of Kosovo, among eight other South-Eastern Europe countries is being represented by TRA.
read moreInvited by the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications (MTT) the new TRA Board led by the Chairman, Mr. Ekrem Hoxha represented TRA in yesterdays meeting of the subgroup Information Society and Media within the Infrastructure group.
read moreThe first meeting of the TRA Board was held on 19 October 2009, led by Mr. Ekrem Hoxha, Chairman and attended by TRA Board members.
read moreChairman of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) Board, Mr Ekrem Hoxha and the Board member, Mr. Lulzim Kurtaj, met the representatives from Telecommunications LLC, Mr. Akan ismaili Executive Director and Ms. Merita Kostanica, Manager for Legal and Regulatory Affairs.
read moreThe TRA Board, met the officers and experts from USAID Kosovo Private Enterprise Program (KPEP) as a part of continuous consultations for selecting and/or assigning a Manager for obtaining the ccTLD - country code Top-Level Domain) in conformity with requirements set by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Named and Numbers ICANN).
read moreOn 30 October 2009, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) represented by the Chairman, Mr. Ekrem Hoxha and the Board member, Mr. Lulzim Kurtaj, visited the Postal and Electronic Communication Authority (AKEP) of the Republic of Albania, hosted by Mr. Ilir Shehu, Chairman/CEO, where forms of cooperation between the two regulators were...
read moreOn 12 November 2009, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), represented by the Chairman of the Board, Mr. Ekrem Hoxha, participated at the non-formal monitoring meeting of the European Commission, Infrastructure Sector.
read moreThe regular meeting of the TRA Board was held on 18 November 2009, led by Mr. Ekrem Hoxha, Chairman and attended by TRA Board members and professional staff.
read moreUpon invitation of the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services of Montenegro (EKIP), a delegation from the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), led by Mr. Ekrem Hoxha, Chairman, stayed in Podgorica for a visit on dates 18-19 November 2009.
On the 26th of October 2006, Chairman of Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, Mr. Anton Berisha, welcomed for an official visit the Chief of Hungarian Liasion Office in Kosova, Mr. Zoltan Imecs, and representatives of the company Deutche-Matav Telecom.
read moreTelecommunications Regulatory Authority on April 23 and 24, 2010 has successfully developed the operation in terms of eliminating illegal antennas of mobile telephony operators located within the territory of the Republic of Kosovo.
read moreIn order to implement the existing laws and create conditions for normal operation of the licensed operators of mobile telephony, based on the Law of Telecommunications, The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) in cooperation with law enforcement agencies has taken action preventing unauthorized illegal activity of non licensed operators,...
read moreOn 14-16 December 2009, in Skopje, Macedonia, the Chairman of the TRA Board, Mr. Ekrem Hoxha and the two Board Members Mr. Lulzim Kurtaj and Mr. Besnik Berisha, participated in the workshop: Telecommunication and Media Sectors Convergence and Implications for Policy Makers and Regulators organized by AEC (Agency for Electronic...
read moreOn 10 and 11 December 2009, a delegation from the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), led by the Chairman of the Board, Mr.Ekrem Hoxha, visited the Croatian Post and Electronic Communications Agency, HAKOM, upon invitation of the latter.
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